Prolapse of the uterus A doctor's diagnosis includes a review of symptoms and a pelvic examination. If the symptoms or indications seem to be positive, the doctor may do a pelvic examination, which involves inserting a speculum into the vaginal canal to physically examine the interior vaginal canal and uterus. During this exam, you may lie down or your doctor may urge you to stand.
Your doctor may ask you to "bear down" as if you were having a bowel movement to assess the degree of prolapse.
Treatment for Uterine Prolapse:
Women with uterine prolapse should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent a complicated scenario. Treatment for severe or fibroids uterine prolapse includes both nonsurgical and surgical options. Women who want to have children in the future should avoid surgical therapy. Surgery (hysterectomy) is the final resort if prolapse is severe or fibroid. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus from the body, which has its own set of health risks.

Modern Science's Treatments
Natural Estrogen Replacement Therapy
Pessaries are a kind of pessary that is (possible complications open sores, unusual bleeding, Fistula Prone, Rectocele Formation etc.)
Suspended uterus
Uterus prolapse treatment by Ayurvedic medicines, ensure that you are safe.