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Prevention Of The Prolapsed Uterus Treatment

Writer: Uterus ProlapsedUterus Prolapsed

To prevent uterine prolapse, there are some precautions that may be taken, such as a healthy diet and regular exercise.

• Kegel exercises: these are simple exercises that target the pelvic floor muscles. The risk of uterine prolapse may be reduced by doing kegel exercises regularly.

The risk of developing constipation may be reduced by eating a diet rich in fibre and drinking plenty of water.

Stop smoking if you suffer from persistent cough or asthma.

• Seek medical attention for any conditions that cause pain or pressure in the lower abdomen (like chronic constipation and chronic cough).

• Maintain a healthy weight and eat a well-balanced diet in order to avoid obesity.

Uterine prolapse may be exacerbated by lifting big weights on a frequent basis.

A simple pelvic examination by a doctor or gynaecologist may identify the problem. A speculum is put into the vagina, allowing the doctor to inspect the vaginal canal and the uterus. Doctors are able to evaluate the amount of prolapse after doing a thorough examination.


Uterine prolapse that is mild does not need therapy. It is necessary to follow certain basic rules, such as avoiding hard lifting, keeping a healthy weight, and doing kegel exercises, to keep the condition under control For patients with more serious conditions, the doctor may suggest one of the following options:

There are two types of pessaries: those made of plastic and those made of rubber. In order to help vaginal tissues grow stronger and regenerate more quickly, vaginal oestrogen may be administered intravenously. In addition to that, it is not a full therapy and is generally used in conjunction with other therapies.‍


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